



 —— 新纪元大学学院升格典礼暨学士课程推介仪式 ——

2017 4 8 日(星期六)

新纪元大学学院理事会主席林忠强博士,校长莫顺宗博士,各位董事部和理事会同仁、各位嘉宾, 各位媒体朋友,大家早上好!

今天早上我们怀着愉悦的心情聚集一堂,一起见证“新纪元大学学院升格暨新课程推介典礼”。 这是我们期待已久的一天,我谨代表董事部和新纪元大学学院全体同仁热烈欢迎各位嘉宾的莅临。

二十多年前,华教先贤创立董教总教育中心(非营利)有限公司,就是为了在这片多元文化多元 民族的国土上,兴办一所符合本土国情,同时又可以发扬华人文化,提升华文教育的高等学府。 1997 年,新纪元学院获得教育部的办学准证,我们迈出了重要的第一步。二十年后的今天,新 纪元经过长期努力,终于获准升格为大学学院,迈向另外一个里程碑,我们终于迈向铁树开花的 康庄大道!这是值得我们所有华文教育同道普天同庆的一刻。

今后,我们的责任更加重大。兴办一所大学并不是一件容易的事。二十多年来,我个人一直都在 董教总教育中心(非营利)有限公司的董事部里,见证与参与了新纪元从草创时期到今天升格大 学学院的每一个过程。我们的同道们为了升格大学铁树开花的大业,鞠躬尽瘁,做出许多奉献和 牺牲,才有今天茁壮成长的新纪元大学学院。

今天我们终于迎来了一个数十年来引颈长盼而终于实现的良机。机不可失,我们必须把握机会办 好一所大学。董教总教育中心(非营利)有限公司的董事部,目前正在加紧步伐,务必从硬体到 软体,在各个方面做出相应的调整,推动新纪元大学学院未来更美好的发展。

为扩展新纪元大学学院的硬体建设,董事会早已经成立了校园建设委员会及有关建设图测和发展 蓝图。华社相信记忆犹新,丰隆集团联合另外两个机构承诺捐献的一百亩校地,由于期间的节外 生枝,至今未能动工。

董事部曾经作出巨大努力,与有关公司代表商谈,要求尽快落实有关承诺,包括最近一次 2017 4 4 日在雪州行政议员欧阳捍华的安排下,与有关公司代表会谈,董事部再次重申校园建设 必须动工的意愿,希望对方认真考虑早日落实。

在此我们期望新纪元大学学院在硬体上早日有所突破,因为它需要一个更大的格局,才有望展翅 高飞。

新纪元的格局当然不仅仅只是在硬体方面的建设,我们更需要引进来自四面八方的人脉和资源, 成为新纪元前进的助力。这些人脉和资源,不一定只是来自国内,我们也必须引进国外的人脉和 资源,让新纪元更具有国际视野,走向世界,期待将来。我们在马来西亚办华文大学,立足本土, 也必须放眼世界,今天我们办学已经不能闭门造车,这是一个数码化全球化的时代,我们必须放 眼更广阔的天地,为马来西亚华文高等教育开创一个新格局。

今天,越来越多人已经有能力走向世界,全世界都可看见来自马来西亚的新纪元、独中和华小的 毕业生,这是非常好的事;但与此同时,我们必须引进更多世界各地源源不绝的源头活水来发展 和灌溉我们的华文教育,我们希望新纪元大学学院可以作为一个重镇,成为一个枢纽,把更多国 外的教育和学术的资源引进马来西亚,提升马来西亚的华文教育。

各位同道,我们今天这个铁树开的机会,是先辈们一代接一代努力的结果。我们必须继承先辈们 的理想,这是时代赋予我们这一代人的责任,我们不可愧对先贤的心血和苦心,更不可让子孙失 望和失落。今天,责任在我们肩膀上,荣誉在我们双手中,我们必须用肩膀扛起责任,用双手创 造荣誉。我希望大家一起努力,创造历史,我们必须办好一所大学。

今天,让我们大家一起来祝福新纪元大学学院,祝福新纪元大学学院茁壮成长。我也趁此机会感 谢所有曾经为新纪元,以及还在为新纪元努力的每一个人,祝福你们。谢谢你们。谢谢。  

Speech by: Dr Yap Sin Tian

Chairman of the Board of Directors Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd

In conjunction with the

 “Ceremony to Celebrate the Upgrading of New Era University College and the Launching of Homegrown Degree Programmes”

April 8, 2017

Dr Lim Chong Keang, Chairman of the Board of Governors, Dr Mok Soon Chong, ViceChancellor of New Era University College, fellow colleagues of the Board of Directors and Board of Governors, distinguished guests, friends of media, ladies and gentlemen. A very good morning to all of you!

We gathered here this morning with the most pleasant mood, to witness the “Ceremony to Celebrate the Upgrading of New Era University College and the Launching of Homegrown Degree Programmes”. I also welcome you warmly, on behalf of the Board of Directors and everyone from New Era University College, we have come a long way to this long-waited moment!

Our predecessors formed Dong Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre Bhd twenty years ago, with the aim to build a Chinese higher education institution which is conform to our national condition and at the same time to foster the growth of the Chinese culture and education in this multiculture and multi-racial nation. In 1997, we obtained the license from the Ministry of Education to form New Era College. Today, after twenty years, with concerted efforts and numerous attempts, we gathered here today to take a determined step, a new milestone, New Era College is now upgrading to New Era University College. We are finally on our flourish pathway towards success. This is a memorable moment for us to celebrate together!

We will have greater responsibilities from now on. This is not an easy task. I have been involved and witnessed every moments from the very beginning and all the processes of the upgrading over the years.  There have been hard works, dedicated efforts and sacrifices to come to this juncture – New Era University College. 

We are thankful for this incredible moment and we shall grasp every opportunity to develop the university college. It is our continuous pursuit of betterment and development of the university college, be it hardware and software. 

The Board of Directors has formed the Building Consulting & Coordination Committee and all the development and layout plans are in place, in order to expand the facility of New Era. We believe that everyone of us are aware that the 100 acres of land located in Sepang, which was proposed to be donated by Hong Leong Group has been pending till today, despite numerous discussion being held.

Over the years, various discussions being held between the Board of Directors and the representatives from Hong Leong Group. The most recent meeting was held on April 4, with the coordination of YB Ean Yong Hian Wah. During the meeting, our fellow directors raised our wish that the campus construction must be carried out soon and hope that Hong Leong Group may fulfil its promise soonest possible. 

We do hope that there is a breakthrough for New Era in its hardware facility in order for it to move further and higher.

In our efforts to ensure New Era University College will continue to grow and develop, we have to recruit other resources from various parts of the world, be it locally and globally, to become the motion for New Era University College to move forward. In this resilient and competitive globalised and digital era, we have to move in tandem with the trend and be glocally competitive in order to build a new era in the Chinese higher education.   

Today, it is notable that there are graduates from New Era, Chinese independence schools and Chinese primary schools all over the world. This is a very good indication and meanwhile, we have to introduce other resources to further develop the Chinese education in the nation. We hope to mould New Era University College to be the hub for both the overseas education and academic resources, to further promote and elevate the Chinese education in Malaysia.

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s not forget that this memorable moment was the most precious gift from our predecessors’ years of hard work.  It is the dream of them and it is the responsibility pass on to everyone of us today. We have to earnestly work towards making the next leap that is New Era University. 

Let’s pass our blessings to New Era University College today, let it grow stronger and bigger. Lastly, let me applaud here today, the efforts of everyone who has worked and who are still working hard for New Era. Your efforts paid off. Best wishes to all of you. Thank you.